Wait! What can I eat?

I’m calling this 1.25 since it reports on yesterday and this morning.

So this was a poor planning exercise on my part.  I woke up yesterday morning and starting making to-do lists on this great list app (to-do, grocery lists).  I love that you can share the grocery list with everyone in the family and when they want to add something, each person (who has the app installed) opens the app and adds the item.  It then shows up on my grocery list.  The app even has a handy bar code scanner.  Sweet!

Continue reading “Wait! What can I eat?”

My scale and I have called a truce

There are so many studies, websites, books and probably Twitter posts about not weighing yourself everyday.  But do I listen?  Nope.  So each morning I would wake up and weigh myself.  Some mornings I would be thrilled, others I would feel defeated, either way it would set the tone for the entire day.  So I have called a truce with my scale and I feel liberated.


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Small choices, big rewards

So this is just a check in before the long weekend (labour day).  Yesterday I needed some cash, so I stopped at a gas station convenience store and used their ATM.  But I always feel guilty if I don’t buy anything.  Kind of like, running into the coffee shop to use the washroom (even though I’m usually getting tea anyway).  So as I turned from the ATM my eyes fell on the available snacks!


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Roasted Vegetable with Balsamic – Retake

A couple of weeks ago I made the Grilled Veggie with Balsamic and I had some suggestions (to myself) that I thought would make this a better salad.  Well, I did it.  I took my own advice and I re-made the salad.  I re-made it so much, that I had to re-name it!  So please join me in welcoming my new salad:

Roasted Vegetable Salad with Balsamic
Roasted Vegetable with Balsamic

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I missed having salad …. what? Did I just say that?

You got it!  I missed salad!  On Sunday I headed to another city, 5 hrs away to participate in a work conference for a few days.  I ate conference food (ugh) and had the pleasure of eating at some pretty great restaurants for dinner.  But I missed my lunch salad.  I missed knowing what I was eating.

Fajita Chicken Salad
Fajita Chicken Salad

Continue reading “I missed having salad …. what? Did I just say that?”

Experimenting with flavour

I’m back!  Well, I wasn’t really gone, but I haven’t been “here”.  I’ve been busy making salads, trying out new things and generally enjoying the summer.  I made an entirely new salad yesterday and it was pretty good (see my suggestions to improve).  I tried it with my family last night at dinner (without meat) and I’ve got it in my lunch for today.  Do you like grilled vegetables?  I do and I figured I could turn that love into a salad and here’s how:

Grilled Veggie
Grilled Veggie with Balsamic

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WW Membership is over but not my journey

Happy Fri-yay! (Some guy in Finance said that too me, so I’m going with it).  What will happen to me, now that my Weight Watchers membership is over?  Will I gain the weight back that I fought to lose?  Will I chuck the salads on Sundays and replace it with cheeseburgers and fries?

No.  I’ve come too far to do that to myself.  But what will I do?

Positive Changes

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OnePlus 3 Phone Review not written by a tech

If you’re looking for a review that will point out the fact that the phone has a bright AMOLED screen  (I had to look up what AMOLED meant) or the Swap button feature (which I didn’t even know about until I read Ben Sin’s review in Forbes, thanks Ben!) then you should go to one of the tech review sites.  This review is written by a person that uses this phone to blog, take photos of her kids and listens to audio books.

Me holding my new phone, but the picture was taken with an Iphone 5s

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I’ve got beef in my Mason Jar Salad!

I was thinking, I love chicken and as you can see, I use it in most of my salads.  But I also love beef.  So I did some research to see how I could fit some Steak into my jars.  Normally you lay warm medium rare steak over crisp greens and drizzle with your favourite dressing.  I improvised!

Mason Jar Steak Salad with Zesty Avocado with Cilantro dressing
Mason Jar Steak Salad with Zesty Avocado Cilantro Buttermilk Dressing

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Everything looks the same from here

In the about me section I don’t tell the whole story, it’s a bit like dating, you only reveal a bit at a time, until your sure you’ll be accepted.  My close friends know of course and it’s not a real secret just not first date worthy.  Be warned, the first part  of the post is medical but I do provide a great breakfast recipe at the end.

Ham Crusted Egg Cups with Hot Peppers and Goat Cheese

Continue reading “Everything looks the same from here”