Eat with your eyes, not really, but in theory

I was reading a post on Humanthology by Ashley McCormack about eating with your eyes.  When talking to her father about why he spent so much time making the food look nice on the plate, he replied, “Because first, you taste with your eyes.”

I’m not sure about you, but I’ve heard this before and it so true.  Just last week, I made a Fish Pie and while it tasted great, it didn’t look very good.  My family only ate about half.  But wait, that’s not all the story.  So, I may get the plating of the food nailed down, but what about that next step?  Taking the food photo.  For the most part I’ve focused on the actual dishes, but lately I’ve wanted to just be able to take a better picture.  Then it happened. I got advice that I actually took.  Thanks to my friend Angie (one of my ESO guild-mates, who lives in NC) who recommended that I purchase a photo box.

Time to shop

I shopped for the box, comparing mostly the size, lighting and what extras come with the kit.  Within a day of it’s arrival, I set it up, it took only minutes to do.  But then I left it like that, on my dining room table, all set up … unused.  In my defense, I didn’t feel like I had anything picture worthy to photograph. 

Then it happened, yesterday, while doing my meal preparations for the week, I was about to seal the lid on a yogurt parfait when it hit me.  I needed to photograph my mason jars in the photo box.

Raspberry & Blueberry Parfaits

Breakfast Parfait: these are a huge favourite and really easy to assemble.

  • 2/3 cup of yogurt on the bottom
  • 1/4 cup of fresh or frozen (thawed) berries of choice, place on top of yogurt
  • 1/4 cup of granola, place in a recycled applesauce container and place on the top of the mason jar opening
  • Put a lid on and store for up to 5-6 days in the refrigerator

Asian Chicken Salad

Then of course, I continued to snap photos of this weeks lunches. To see more recipes or how to’s click on the Recipes section of my blog.

Asian Chicken Salad

My Recommendation: Polaroid Photo Studio

While I still have some ways to go to be able to produce quality photos, the Polaroid Photo Studio box is a must for taking pictures of my mason jar creations.  I would post a photo of the Curried Ginger Garlic Carrot soup that I made last night, however it seems that when you used a black backdrop, remember to lint roll it.

If you are interested in purchasing a photo box, the one I got was the Polaroid Photo Studio Light Tent 16” Kit from Amazon.

Here’s the one that I purchased.

Enjoy the week.


“Plan for tomorrow, because tomorrow you won’t have time”

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