How’s the diet going?

Do you cringe when someone asks you that question?  If so, then you are probably in a rut like me.  If not, well then, congratulations and keep up the excellent work.  But like I’ve said before, this is a “journey”, it’s about the experiences and not the finish line.  This isn’t a race.  That doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t like to hit the fast-forward button and just land my butt on a beach in a bathing suit (the kind without a skirt attached). 


Me and Rachel in Dominican last year for her wedding.

As you know, my oldest son, Josh is leaving in less than a week to join the Army.  He will begin basic training and we won’t see him for quite a long time.  I’ve always relied on the fact that Josh is honest with me, he tells me about his life and what’s going on with him.  Maybe not all his 22yr old secrets, but I’m sure I don’t want to know them anyways. 

Josh and I, a couple of years ago

But he caught me off guard yesterday.  He walked into the game room, I was playing Xbox and he sat down to ask me how I was doing with my plan.  Was I eating well and when was the last time I went to the gym.  Now most people wouldn’t have the nerve to ask these questions, because you just don’t bring that up to people, at least you don’t if it’s obvious that they have fallen off the wagon.  But not Josh.  So, I answered as best as a I could.  My answers sounded weak to me, but they were honest.

Food?  Well, I eat mostly healthy, up until dinner and snack time.  I’ve allowed copious amounts of carbs to sneak onto my plate and I sometimes have a late carb laden snack.  But it’s summer and well, I’ve just gotten off track.  (um, well true, but technically it’s September now, so what’s the plan?)  He pretty much asked me that follow up.  So, I said that I would focus on getting back to cutting out the carbs. 

Exercise? About that.  Well, I really love the gym I go to, but I’ve had some family stuff that I’ve been dealing with and making time to fit my schedule to the gym has been very difficult.  I want to get the basement gym back into shape and work out like I used to, with some yoga added.  So again, I told him that this too would change and I would make time for me.

It’s not always comfortable to be asked how you’re doing (be it a home improvement project, diet, blog, project or any task that you’ve told people about) but think about why it makes you a little sick to your stomach to answer the question.  My guess?  Well, you’ve probably let your progress slide, maybe stalled or even gone a few steps backward.  It’s OK.  Just stand up, brush off the dust (or crumbs) and get back to making better choices.

Maybe the next time my husband asks me how my blog is doing, I won’t grimace and mumble that it’s fine.  But instead tell him to go check out my last post.


“Plan for tomorrow, because tomorrow you won’t have time”

WW Membership is over but not my journey

Happy Fri-yay! (Some guy in Finance said that too me, so I’m going with it).  What will happen to me, now that my Weight Watchers membership is over?  Will I gain the weight back that I fought to lose?  Will I chuck the salads on Sundays and replace it with cheeseburgers and fries?

No.  I’ve come too far to do that to myself.  But what will I do?

Positive Changes

Continue reading “WW Membership is over but not my journey”

Sometimes it’s the little things and sometimes it’s …

Repost: April 7, 2016

Sometimes it’s the small things.  Just yesterday I said to my son “hey look, my rings just slide off”.  My 13 yr old was impressed.   He’s seen me twist and pull my rings off.  But yesterday my rings loosely turned on my finger.  Woop Woop.

And sometimes it’s the big things.

Continue reading “Sometimes it’s the little things and sometimes it’s …”

Hey Damali, it worked

Repost: March 31, 2016

If you read my post a couple of days ago, you would have read Damali’s words of wisdom “Just because you get one flat tire doesn’t mean you slash the other three tires”.  Well, I was so close to throwing in the towel on Monday, but I recalled these wise words and did my best to stay on plan. So even after a Turkey dinner with stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy.  Plus late night chips and dip, deserts and of course Easter chocolate, I lost weight this week.

Continue reading “Hey Damali, it worked”

Wise words from my friend kept me on track

Repost: March 30, 2016

Just because you get one flat tire doesn’t mean you slash the other three tires.  That’s what my friend Damali said to me a couple of months ago.  Then on Monday this week, I heard them as I was debating making salads this week.  My reasoning for not making the effort consisted of the following lame excuse: it’s already Monday and I’m not eating salad on Thursday/Friday this week (going out for good bye lunches, but that’s another story) so why bother.

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It doesn’t always taste great

Repost: March 19, 2016

It doesn’t always taste great, this week I added a new salad and I’m sad to say, it was kinda awful.  The Veggie Goat Cheese has now been removed.  My mom has suggested I make the Antioxidant Salad.  I did the research and I can make it for 7 Smart Points.  Look for it on my list this weekend.

I’m going to set the same goal as the previous week, it works, I just didn’t do it this week.

Continue reading “It doesn’t always taste great”

Time to change things up a bit

Repost: February 26, 2016

At first glance, when you look at my weigh-in result, it looks like a minimal success.  In fact, I quipped to the lady at WW “at least I didn’t go up”.  In truth, I was more disappointed by this than if I’d gained.   In my mind, I was upset that I didn’t lose like I did the previous week.  Discouraged, I left the meeting (after it was done), drove home and stewed about this. Continue reading “Time to change things up a bit”

I’m not ready to look left … yet

Repost: February 11, 2016

My husband and I walk on Wednesday nights, at an indoor track, while our son attends Air Cadets.  Last night, while walking, I caught my reflection in the window as we finished our lap, I averted my eyes and said to my husband “I’m not ready to look left … yet”.  He then looked too and we both agreed that we have to do more walking before we are comfortable with our “reflections”. Continue reading “I’m not ready to look left … yet”