One Day or Day One

My scale has found a new temporary home.  OK, well it’s not out of our bathroom, but I did prop it up against the wall.  Previously it was right in the middle of the room.  The scale mocks you from it’s position in front of the mirror, so not only do you weigh yourself (wearing as little as possible), but you get to look at yourself in the mirror at the same time.  Yay me.  But I moved it out of the way to limit my scale check-ins.  Seemed to work.

I realized that I had forgotten to post last weeks clinic visit, so here it is.

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When your sick, just be sick

I woke up yesterday morning expecting to get on the scale and either go up (a bit) or little to no change. This wasn’t because of some misguided, “I expect to see something disappointing, but hope that I don’t” kind of feeling.  This was based on a mid-week scale check (I know, it’s an addiction) and a silent run-down of my week.  Was I ever surprised.

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WW Membership is over but not my journey

Happy Fri-yay! (Some guy in Finance said that too me, so I’m going with it).  What will happen to me, now that my Weight Watchers membership is over?  Will I gain the weight back that I fought to lose?  Will I chuck the salads on Sundays and replace it with cheeseburgers and fries?

No.  I’ve come too far to do that to myself.  But what will I do?

Positive Changes

Continue reading “WW Membership is over but not my journey”

First new post with my domain

It would have been nice if I could have posted something like “OMG, I’m down 3 dress sizes”, which would be even more remarkable, since I don’t wear dresses.  But life is not like that.  Last month, I made a huge career decision.  Leaving a place that I had been with for over 15 yrs (collectively).  I changed not only my employer, but the industry I worked in.  I went from private sector to public sector.  Big changes.

Positive Changes

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Sometimes it’s the little things and sometimes it’s …

Repost: April 7, 2016

Sometimes it’s the small things.  Just yesterday I said to my son “hey look, my rings just slide off”.  My 13 yr old was impressed.   He’s seen me twist and pull my rings off.  But yesterday my rings loosely turned on my finger.  Woop Woop.

And sometimes it’s the big things.

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Hey Damali, it worked

Repost: March 31, 2016

If you read my post a couple of days ago, you would have read Damali’s words of wisdom “Just because you get one flat tire doesn’t mean you slash the other three tires”.  Well, I was so close to throwing in the towel on Monday, but I recalled these wise words and did my best to stay on plan. So even after a Turkey dinner with stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy.  Plus late night chips and dip, deserts and of course Easter chocolate, I lost weight this week.

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Wise words from my friend kept me on track

Repost: March 30, 2016

Just because you get one flat tire doesn’t mean you slash the other three tires.  That’s what my friend Damali said to me a couple of months ago.  Then on Monday this week, I heard them as I was debating making salads this week.  My reasoning for not making the effort consisted of the following lame excuse: it’s already Monday and I’m not eating salad on Thursday/Friday this week (going out for good bye lunches, but that’s another story) so why bother.

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It doesn’t always taste great

Repost: March 19, 2016

It doesn’t always taste great, this week I added a new salad and I’m sad to say, it was kinda awful.  The Veggie Goat Cheese has now been removed.  My mom has suggested I make the Antioxidant Salad.  I did the research and I can make it for 7 Smart Points.  Look for it on my list this weekend.

I’m going to set the same goal as the previous week, it works, I just didn’t do it this week.

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Time to change things up a bit

Repost: February 26, 2016

At first glance, when you look at my weigh-in result, it looks like a minimal success.  In fact, I quipped to the lady at WW “at least I didn’t go up”.  In truth, I was more disappointed by this than if I’d gained.   In my mind, I was upset that I didn’t lose like I did the previous week.  Discouraged, I left the meeting (after it was done), drove home and stewed about this. Continue reading “Time to change things up a bit”