I was ambitions to think that I could report on a daily basis the comings and goings of our experience with alternate day fasting. Not the least of which, how deflating it can be to weigh yourself daily. After a fasting day, the scale “loves” me but after an eat day, not so much. But the overall results are great! Plus I have my partner in crime, my son Sebastien, on this journey with me!

Working out with a partner
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Making Fathead Dough

Who knew that there were so many variations of this one recipe. Fathead dough, sometimes it’s even called Fathead Pizza Dough, Keto Dough, low carb dough. I honestly didn’t realize that everyone had their own recipe. But I should have, I change almost every recipe I come across and this one was no different. But my quest was to find a simple recipe. I finally did. Thanks to the folks over at Twisted Keto.

Keto Chili Pockets – made with Twisted Keto Fathead Dough
Continue reading “Making Fathead Dough”