Take something good and make it great

I normally name my post before even typing it.  I’ve checked out other bloggers how to guides and many suggest typing your post before applying a title.  The reason I do it this way, is because my posts start with a random thought and I want to make sure that I stay true to that idea as I type.  Case in point, I was going through my phone and saw a picture of a salad that I made last week and thought “wow, the Greek salad I make is good, but I really made it great when I changed it up”.  Hence my post title.

Mason jar salads have become a staple in my house, it started over a year ago and we still love them.  

However, I tend to make the Greek and Asian the most.  My family loves these.  But last week I decided to change up my Greek recipe.  I found a site (KetoDiet Blog) that talked about a “Low Carb Greek Chicken Bowl“, so I just had to try and convert that into a mason jar!  I layered as I normally do and placed the tzatziki in the top of the jar.  This one had no “real” salad dressing, other than what was listed in the recipe. 

It was awesome!  

Now I’m looking for some new salad inspirations.  Take a new look at an old recipe.


“Plan for tomorrow, because tomorrow you won’t have time”

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