Alternate Day Fasting – Our experience

Who knew that one of the benefits of fasting, especially Alternate Day fasting, would be Kitchen Freedom. What is Kitchen Freedom you ask? Exactly what it says, freedom from the kitchen. I’ll get into that and more as I take you through our (yes, our) experience with this type of fasting. Don’t worry, there is still a food component to this post, I’ve been on a quest to find some sort of Keto friendly toffee treat and I’ve got a couple of good recipes to share.

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Time to cook great meals

As someone who is working remotely full time, I get home earlier from work now, which gives me more time to prepare meals during the Covid-19 pandemic. I am using the food that I have in my cupboards, fridge and freezer. Sometimes that can be limiting, but given some creativity (and time) you can pull together some pretty tasty creations. Check out my Taco Soup and Frozen Raspberry Cheesecake Pops.

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Making Fish stew

Since beginning this journey to eat less carbs like potatoes, rice, pasta and flour (to name a few), I have stumbled my way around the grocery store aisles. Resetting the (almost 50yr old) brain on what foods to eat, can sometimes be a struggle. But last week I gained inspiration while walking through the seafood section of my grocery store. Fish. I wanted to make some sort of fish dish, but I did not want to bake, broil or fry the fish. I purchased the fish (frozen, since I wasn’t sure when I’d make this dish) and got online to figure out what to make.

Brazilian Fish Stew
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Keto & TikTok

I’ve got to be honest, I was very late to the TikTok hype. In fact, my husband had been trying to get me to watch videos for quite some time. He would often get lost down a rabbit hole, figuratively speaking, watching endless videos. Then one day, he sent me a link to a video that showed a Keto recipe being made in less than 30 seconds. I was hooked. I started by posting some simple videos, rear view mirror type ones, but eventually moved on to create my own cooking videos.

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